‘’Are you okay’’ ‘’Why are you in a bad
mood’’ ‘’Cheer up’’ ‘’Why the sad face’’, just a few of the comments that get
said to me… ALL THE TIME.
If you’re like me, someone who is born
with a naturally sad/moody face when you’re in neutral pose, my dear friend, you’re
not alone. On a weekly basis my facial
expression is pointed out to me, which makes me feel even more paranoid about
the way I look. Once it has been pointed out I spend the rest of the day
awkwardly forcing a smile.
‘’You look so annoyed’’ well I wasn’t
until you said that.
Where I work we often have to check the
stock out the back, a job which involves no communicating with customers - or
for that matter, anyone! So why, I wonder, did 6 of my colleagues (yes I’m
counting) just this month feel the need to point out my ‘not so happy face’. My
manger has asked me ‘’’what’s wrong’’ several times and just recently stopped
when I replied ‘’I was born with a naturally moody face, don’t mind me’’. I’m
getting a little fed up of having to explain to people that I was BORN THIS
WAY. I can’t help the way I look, I’m
afraid, so please would you kindly stop pointing out how miserable my face is.
Anyway, if you do suffer with moody face
syndrome, don’t stress too much about it. Click here to watch a clip I found on youtube
where a group of people manage to make a comedy out of people with the
‘’syndrome’’. Have a watch! It might actually put a smile on that grumpy face
of yours – it did me.