Friday, 4 July 2014

How To Save Money

          Now, I’m only talking from a teenage, college dropout’s perspective so don’t 
          expect to make millions. Below are just a few handy tips that are helping 
          me to save up for my travelling adventures. 

Sell your junk! What might be junk to you might be useful to someone else. 
Spend a day rummaging through your drawers, putting all the things you 
don’t want into bags/boxes. And don’t hold back, get rid of as much as you 
can! That flowery patterned dress that is 2 sizes toosmall, do you really need 
that? Think of each item as money. The more you get rid of, the more
 money you can make. So get down there and sell!

A savings account allows you to keep your money in a safe place while 
it earns a small amount of interest each month. You're also less likely
 to spend your money if it's safely tucked away in the bank.

Have an amount of money of which you need to have saved on a
 set date. (£100 by the end of the month or £2,000 by the end
 of the year, for example)  This will motivate you to reach your 
goal. Then put it straight into your savings bank! As humans 
we get a satisfying feeling achieving goals. 

                      AVOID BUYING FOOD OUT
     I've done a bit of research and found that if you're spending around £20 
a week on food, it is adding up to £1,000 a year! I know that I, at one stage, 
was apart of this statistic. Buying that caramel frappuccino with extra
 cream when your in Starbucks is okay for a one off. But if you're
 finding yourself buying drinks or food out quite often, you should stop. 
You're spending more than you realise. ''It's only a fiver'' but it adds up! 
It might not taste as good but start making yourself pack lunches. 

Buy yourself a fairly large sized jar. Whenever you find loose change
 lying around, pop it into your jar. Fill it with pennies such as 1ps, 2ps, 5ps, 
10ps and once it has been completely filled count the money up. Take the 
money straight to the bank and start again. You will be surprised with how 
much you can save. I have a savings pot which takes up to three months to 
fill. It normally adds up to around £30 (FILLED WITH JUST PENNIES!!) 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Moody Face Syndrome

‘’Are you okay’’ ‘’Why are you in a bad mood’’ ‘’Cheer up’’ ‘’Why the sad face’’, just a few of the comments that get said to me… ALL THE TIME.
If you’re like me, someone who is born with a naturally sad/moody face when you’re in neutral pose, my dear friend, you’re not alone.  On a weekly basis my facial expression is pointed out to me, which makes me feel even more paranoid about the way I look. Once it has been pointed out I spend the rest of the day awkwardly forcing a smile.
                                           *me forcing a smile*

‘’You look so annoyed’’ well I wasn’t until you said that.

Where I work we often have to check the stock out the back, a job which involves no communicating with customers - or for that matter, anyone! So why, I wonder, did 6 of my colleagues (yes I’m counting) just this month feel the need to point out my ‘not so happy face’. My manger has asked me ‘’’what’s wrong’’ several times and just recently stopped when I replied ‘’I was born with a naturally moody face, don’t mind me’’. I’m getting a little fed up of having to explain to people that I was BORN THIS WAY.  I can’t help the way I look, I’m afraid, so please would you kindly stop pointing out how miserable my face is.  
                    *we didn't choose the face our mummas gave us*

Anyway, if you do suffer with moody face syndrome, don’t stress too much about it. Click here to watch a clip I found on youtube where a group of people manage to make a comedy out of people with the ‘’syndrome’’. Have a watch! It might actually put a smile on that grumpy face of yours – it did me. 

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

10 Reasons To Travel

You'll create unforgettable memories. No one ever cherishes or 
remembers a trip to the dentist but swimming through a coral 
reef is something you will never forget. If you want memories 
that will last a lifetime then travelling can make it happen.

Trying different cuisine. You're probably used to your
Saturday night takeaways, so trying different foods 
around the world will definitely excite your taste buds.  

 Finding Yourself 
Learning about yourself as well as the world. You'll find out
how strong you are as a person as you'll have responsibilities 
and be independent. You'll have to deal with being in situations 
you've never been in before. It will really test your strength 
and patience but will give you chance to find yourself.

We all know that travel broadens the mind. (So they tell me)
Travelling teaches you long life skills that you wouldn't find
 in a classroom. The only way to learn about the world is to 
explore it. A book, a video, a movie: can only tell you so much.
 You've got to get out there and see things for yourself. 

Living Life Spontaneously 
Everyday is different. It sucks being in routine, so 
going to sleep not knowing what the next day could 
bring is a totally exciting way to live, in my opinion. 

As human beings we crave adrenaline and excitement, which is 
something that is hard to find in our everyday routine. 
Travelling gives us the opportunity to find adventure. Meeting 
new people, trying new foods or even jumping out of a plane
 (with a parachute!) these sorts of activities release endorphin's 
which help to make us feel good and better about ourselves. 

The Places You've Dreamed About
Visiting the places you've seen in the movies. All those
 places you've heard and read about. It will really put in to 
perspective how magical and beautiful this world is. If you've
got a dream destination, stop making excuses and go. 

 One of the greatest feelings in life is being surrounded 
by people who bring out the best in you. On your travels 
you will have the opportunity to meet new people 
who could end up becoming life long friends. 

Different Perspective
Meeting people from different cultures will teach you that the 
way you look at life, isn't necessarily the same as others look at
 it. All those times you wished 'you had thicker hair' or that 'your 
legs could be smaller', seeing people in different/harder 
circumstances who appreciate so little, will make you 
forever grateful of what you have.

The feeling of freedom. The ability to be a good person
while doing what makes us happy. What feels good to the
 soul. How, in my opinion, every human being should live
 their life. Not feeling dread and regret as we wake up to
go to our jobs each morning which make us miserable.

*None of these pictures are my own, credit to tumblr* 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

My Passion To Travel

I’m currently sat at my dining table, looking out of the patio window and into the sky. I’m watching the clouds move slowly out of my sight and wondering where they’re going. It brings a sinking feeling in my stomach. Just as I typed this I looked back up and saw a plane flying overhead. All those people setting off on an adventure. Going to explore a part of the world that I had possibly never been to before. That sinking feeling just got deeper. I want to be on that plane. I want to travel.

It all started a year after I finished school. I started college, got myself a job, went out with friends. I had everything a teenage girl could want, some would say, but for me, something was missing. I used to look out the same window and get the exact same sinking feeling. Why was I so down? I was down because I felt trapped.  I felt like society was planning my life out for me. Going to college, followed by university, then getting a sensible job because ‘’It’s the right thing to do’’ and ‘’everyone else is doing it’’. I could already see how much of a routine my life would be and it was scaring me. If someone asked me ‘’what I did last week’’ I wouldn’t remember. Nothing stood out to me. My life was so much of a routine that all the days felt like they merged into one. The thought of having a 9-5 job is just…*shivers*. Don’t get me wrong, this way of life works for a lot of people and I believe people should do whatever makes them happy. But it doesn’t make me happy. And maybe, because you’re reading this, it doesn’t make you happy either?
‘’Don’t let making a living, prevent you from making a life’’ 
- John Wooden
It had come to that time of the year for me and my mum to take a trip to Spain, our yearly girls holiday. I was truly grateful I was able to visit other countries growing up. Learning about their cultures, trying different cuisine. I felt so complete and worry free. It had been a wonderful week away in Spain and was time for us to fly back home. Back to reality. Back to routine. The sinking feeling came back and I started to cry. I cried in the taxi, at the airport, on the plane, in the car on the way to our house….….to be continued.

May 2013, a month after coming back from my holiday is when I figured what was missing from my life was adrenaline, excitement, something new.  I wanted to travel. That sinking feeling was the feeling of missing out on the world and it’s beauty. Being ‘young wild and free’ but not actually being wild and free because I was stuck in college and at a job I didn’t enjoy.  Not knowing what’s out there. The people I would meet, the friends I’d make, the places I could visit, new experiences just waiting for me. I continued saving up. Everything I earned went straight into the bank. I forgot the pin to the account  and made no effort to find out what it was. This way I couldn’t take the money out and do any retail therapy. If I wanted a new top, new shoes, new jacket: tough. This money would be towards my travels, and the more I save up, the more places i can visit.

        Photo Credit: 

''I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth, then i ask myself the same question'' - Harun Yahya

A year later and here I am. Writing this blog and feeling even eager to travel. My dream is that this time next year I’ll be setting off on a world adventure. So I’ve got a year to plan. I’ll be blogging my general teenage thoughts and feelings this year and what I’m up to on the planning process. When it does come to setting off on my adventures, I will start to vlog! (Like video diary’s so you can keep up with where I am, maybe I’ll bump into you someday!) I’m so excited it’s the only thing keeping me going right now. Knowing that I’m finally chasing my dreams. I hope you follow me on my journey and I hope this post somehow inspires you to follow your dreams. If you have any more thoughts or questions on travelling I definitely suggest you read: